I'm a mom, a wife, a bookworm, and a Kindergarten teacher. My boys keep me busy with homework, after school activities, and life in general. They are beautiful, smart, and witty. Like their mom, they're also bookworms! I have been truly blessed by my boys and I am grateful for them every day (even when they're driving me crazy!).
I was a math major as an undergraduate, but my area of expertise in teaching is literacy. I received my Masters in Literacy three years ago. I taught first and fourth grades in inner city Denver before staying home to raise my boys. Once my youngest started first grade, I began teaching Kindergarten in their school - a Core Knowledge charter school.
I teach Kindergarten. I truly love my job, but this year I have a challenging class. I thought writing about teaching would help clear my head and point me in the right direction. A journal is nice, but my thoughts get ahead of my hand, then my handwriting gets messy, and it doesn’t look nice. I like things to look nice. So here is my journal in a neat, orderly, OCD type fashion!
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