To me the mark of an excellent teacher is one who never ceases to learn - learning all there is to know about one’s students, learning new and innovative ways to teach, and learning to ask when help is needed. I have watched new teachers fail because pride prevented them from asking for help and I have watched thirty year veterans succeed because they were open to new ideas.
I constantly strive to know my students in order to meet their individual needs. I constantly assess and observe students in different ways. Every student who walks in my classroom door needs something different - A can read a little but needs reassurance, B needs to tell me what’s on his mind before learning can occur, and C just needs a warm smile and a “Good job” once in a while. Knowing my students enables me to create learning opportunities for all of them.
I’ve always loved school and learning new things. Learning new and better ways to teach my students is always part of my school year. When I first started teaching,my knowledge of teaching reading and writing was not complete so I enrolled in a Masters program in literacy. Now I enjoy attending literacy conferences and reading books in my field.
Asking questions helps us learn and clarify what we need to know. I’ve never been one to stay in my classroom trying to figure things out on my own. I seek out those with more experience and knowledge in order to learn what I need to help my students.
My class this year is presenting some challenges and I’m seeking out as much support as possible - in school and out. Right now, just the act of writing is helping me clear my head in order that I might teach with my heart and soul.