I'm a mom, a wife, a bookworm, and a Kindergarten teacher. My boys keep me busy with homework, after school activities, and life in general. They are beautiful, smart, and witty. Like their mom, they're also bookworms! I have been truly blessed by my boys and I am grateful for them every day (even when they're driving me crazy!).
I was a math major as an undergraduate, but my area of expertise in teaching is literacy. I received my Masters in Literacy three years ago. I taught first and fourth grades in inner city Denver before staying home to raise my boys. Once my youngest started first grade, I began teaching Kindergarten in their school - a Core Knowledge charter school.
How do you meet the needs of one off the charts highly gifted student, three students who are truly not ready for Kindergarten, and the sixteen students in-between?
I teach Kindergarten. I truly love my job, but this year I have a challenging class. I thought writing about teaching would help clear my head and point me in the right direction. A journal is nice, but my thoughts get ahead of my hand, then my handwriting gets messy, and it doesn’t look nice. I like things to look nice. So here is my journal in a neat, orderly, OCD type fashion!
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